Our Impact
Having a caring adult advocate for their best interest can make a lasting difference for a child who’s been neglected or abused.
Outcomes of CASA Children
For many of the children we serve, their advocate will be the one constant in an otherwise chaotic life.
Children with CASA volunteers report significantly higher levels of hope:
A child's hope has been linked to numerous positive outcomes such as academic success, overall wellbeing, increases in self-control, positive social relationships and optimism.
Reaching Permanent Homes
Children with a CASA volunteer are more likely to find a safe, permanent home, and are:
More likely to be adopted
Half as likely to re-enter foster care
Substantially less likely to spend time in long-term foster care
More likely to have a plan for permanency
Enabling Children’s Well-Being Over Time
CASA volunteers help children thrive as they grow.
Children with CASA volunteers get more help while in the system:
More services are ordered for the children
Volunteers spend significantly more time with the child than a paid guardian ad litem.